Friday, March 29, 2013

Reading Websites

The following is a list of wonderful websites I found this semester that go along with the book I am reading in class: 

· Regie Routman Website -

· Bonding with Your Students -

· Teaching Comprehension -

My Classroom Library

When I began teaching I was very fortunate because my mother had saved many of my childhood books for me. I took advantage of this and started using them in my classroom since I do not have any kids of my own yet! Teaching kindergarten I love having picture books for my students because many of them come into school not knowing how to read it. I teach them how to picture read and they enjoy having a variety of books to choose from.

Another special thing I did was create a reading corner for my students. This area of my class has changed every year since I started teaching, but I love watching it grown. It is also a center where you must teach and re-teach expectations multiple time with students. I have learned the books and authors 5 and 6 year olds love and have started my own personalized collection of books. I do this so my students will be interested in the books they have to choose from. Most of the books that I order are from the monthly Scholastic book orders. They always have great prices and free shipping too!

Engaging Readers

After reading a section from my book yesterday evening I came up with a list of things I need to start doing in my classroom. These are the things I came up with that I need to be doing in my classroom:

· Begin a class chart listing favorite authors and keep adding to it.
· Have students bring in books by their favorite author to share with the class.
· Have students make a timeline of their favorite books over the school year.
· Combine classes to compare favorite authors.
· Do “author talks” along with weekly book talks to recommend books.
· Consult school and public librarians for suggestions about authors to study.
· Have baskets of recommended books.
· Have blank writing notebooks available in which students can record quotes or reactions to favorite books and passages.

Top Things to Ensure Better Readers

Top Things to do to Ensure Students Become Excellent Readers

· Introduce students to all kinds of genres.
· Have lots of books they like to read that are on their level.
· Read good literature to them.
· Share your love of literature.
· Give students time to talk about their reading.
· Set aside significant blocks of time for reading.
· Give children  choice in what they read.
· Tell kids, “You are a reader.”
· Demonstrate that you are  a reader.
· Provide an excellent classroom library.
· Let students choose books they want to read and give them time to read them.
· Teach strategies students need to know to process and understand text.

Teaching with Urgency

As a teacher we know that it is very important to teach with urgency. When we teach with urgency our teaching is much more effective, our students are more engage, and students and teacher both will be having fun. In my classroom teaching with urgency number one is being aware of the students in my classroom. I need to ensure that my instruction is engaging and that I am evaluating and reflecting daily. By reflecting on my teaching I can make decisions about things I need to change next time or what I need to go back and reteach.

When you teach with a sense of urgency you are working towards guiding your students down a path of independence. In order to do this you  must first do guided practice with students and work slowly towards independent practice.  When doing this we no longer jump right in when students are stuck, but rather allowing them to problem solve on their own. :)