Friday, March 29, 2013

Teaching with Urgency

As a teacher we know that it is very important to teach with urgency. When we teach with urgency our teaching is much more effective, our students are more engage, and students and teacher both will be having fun. In my classroom teaching with urgency number one is being aware of the students in my classroom. I need to ensure that my instruction is engaging and that I am evaluating and reflecting daily. By reflecting on my teaching I can make decisions about things I need to change next time or what I need to go back and reteach.

When you teach with a sense of urgency you are working towards guiding your students down a path of independence. In order to do this you  must first do guided practice with students and work slowly towards independent practice.  When doing this we no longer jump right in when students are stuck, but rather allowing them to problem solve on their own. :) 

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